Carole Stromboni
We Love NFT
Carole Stromboni is passionate about innovation and emerging tech. She wants to build, help and learn.
She is the author a guide on innovation in 2020 for the best French publishing company (Eyrolles).
In addition to being an investor in crypto and NFT since 2017, she’s on of two co-hosts of one of the top 5 NFT podcasts in France.
The We Love NFT project is her way of contributing to the space.
You can find her in Paris, France, biking from one place to another.
Talk Title:
5% Gender Agenda: how can we make it right?
Talk Description :
5% Gender Agenda: how can we make it right? We know that most women and gender diverse artists & creators would like to be known as people and not as the “best woman artist” for example. Just “best artist”.
WEB3 should help. That’s the ideal world. But the NFT art market boom is overwhelmingly benefiting male creators (article by A. Dave on November 9, 2021, Capital). Female artistes accounted for just 5% of all sales in last 21 months.
As a brilliant French sociologist, Christine Delphy, said, “as soon as you create categories, you create hierarchy”. So let’s embrace it. Let’s gain some of our power back by being more visible so people who want to support us, to buy our art, can do it easily.
It’s also a way to build bridges among us and to collaborate. Let’s build! We launched the **FREE listing** on November the 15th in 2021.
We are helping our community. Come and help us help them! The listing is updated EVERY Monday with NEW listings for FREE!
September 13th-14th, 2022 (A GatherVerse Event)