Karen Shidlo
Marketing Manager
Karen Shidlo is a digital marketing native with seven years of experience in traditional advertising agencies before moving into the Web3 space.
Passionate about the power of digital currencies and blockchain technology, she works for Fiat24 in Switzerland to bring seamless peer-to-peer payment experiences to the masses.
Talk Title:
Marketing and communications in a web3 era
Talk Description :
As we move into Web3, there are some key cultural differences, one of the most important being that Web3 equals decentralized and anti-establishment.
The world of Web 2.0 is just the opposite; it’s very centralized and guarded. A handful of organizations have amassed a lot of power and extract, collect, and store data from every user on their platform and then use that data to build their wealth.
Nothing about the social media world, where the majority of marketers are entrenched now, is collaborative and community-led, despite how often platforms use the term community.
With social media, one man controls nearly everything that happens on Facebook and Instagram, which is very much the opposite of anti-establishment. Social platforms tell you what you can and can’t do, and if you violate their rules, they can remove you.
This is the world we’re familiar with so it may feel a bit jarring at first to enter a space where everything is more open. Where the codes and innovations are sitting on the blockchain free for anyone to build on and share. Where ownership is distributed among users, creators, and organizations.
I want to focus on how marketers need to restrategise and learn how to communicate with people in this new era.
September 13th-14th, 2022 (A GatherVerse Event)