Jared Arms
Founder and CEO
Born in St. Louis, MO, at the age of 23, Jared Arms founded the internet startup Kylar.io, a technology platform for communities & businesses.
Jared’s mission is to push #Blockchain technologies to the limit and work with teams of talented engineers to design and build the next generation of decentralized applications.
Talk Title:
WEB3: Trademark, IP, and Identity Theft Protection.
Talk Description :
As we continue to prepare for the future of Web3, an important key factor for startups & existing businesses will be IP/Brand protection on the Blockchain.
In today’s world, if you have a website….you’re a TECH company! As the dWeb (decentralized web) continues to expand, new innovations are constantly launching such as crypto, DAOs, Smart Contracts, ZKSnarks, NFTs, etc.
At Kylar.io, one of our CORE goals is to educate companies by simply helping people connect and share information. Understanding the importance on how best to secure/protect brands – Trademarks, Copyrights, IP etc. both OffChain/OnChain can you save you a huge amount of Time & Money against potential Cybersquatters & Trademark Infringers.
To learn more, please register for the 2022 – Gatherverse Legal & Governance Summit, to watch Jared Arms speak LIVE on the most advanced techniques and strategies to protect your Brand on #WEB3. #TrackingAnalysis #Domain #CensorshipResistant #Irreversibility