Arome Ibrahim

360VR Developer – Experis Immersive


Arome Ibrahim is an Immersive 360°VR Developer, Geographer & Applied Meteorologist, Environmentalist, Digital Heritage advocate, a social innovator who strongly believes in utilizing technology, more broadly, innovation to build and grow impact-based solutions in Africa.

He co-founded Experis Immersive – an Extended Reality (XR) content development agency creating immersive, innovative, and interactive experiences.

Arome is the team lead at Immersive Tech Africa, a creative social enterprise that leverage Extended Reality (XR) technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented reality (AR), 360VR to create impact-driven experiences and solutions that inspire global action towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Arome has been recognized as a virtual reality technology innovator by the Next Economy program, awarded the Next Economy Entrepreneurship Hero and the Next Economy Impact Award made possible by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

His project, Virtuality Africa – a virtual museum of contemporary arts and culture in Africa, was awarded the Digital Lab Africa #5 XR category project award, chosen for the New Dimensions Lab by Electric South, supported by the Ford Foundation, the National Film and Video Foundation and the Bertha Foundation. He is also selected as part of the 10 Emerging African Creators by Garage Stories & New Images Festival Paris 2021.
He is also selected as one of the Top 50 Voices in VR, AR, and 3D by Threedium (2021) for his passion to democratize Extended Reality (XR) in Africa in the field of Education, Arts and Culture.

He is currently an active volunteer with several industry organizations, including Google Street View, Google AR/VR, VR AR MR, AR/VR Africa, International Virtual Reality Professionals Association, Young Sustainable Impact, WebXR, Earthpreneurs, YALI Africa, SDG Nigeria, XR4ALL, Tourism 4.0, Tourism for SDGs, Royal African Young Innovators.

Arome has spoken at key industry events and conferences such as the Global XR Conference, European Digital Week, Africa’s Travel & Tourism Summit, The VR/AR Association (VRARA) VR for Good Committee Session, TedxMinna, Qatar XR Summit, WebXR Summit.

Arome firmly believes that immersive technology and virtual experiences has an influential role in the future development of Africa and is committed to making this happen.

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