Claire Weingarten

Living Machines Media


Claire Weingarten is an immersive tech & experience consultant focused on empowering artists, creators, businesses and non-profits to harness emerging technologies to create experiences that have never existed before.

Claire began her career working in film, television and journalism as both a creator and executive and saw those mediums as the most exciting ways to engage, inform and entertain audiences, but as new media technologies evolve, she has recentered her focus on more interactive mediums that immerse audiences and invite them to become agents in their own experiences.

Advising on emerging technologies like XR, AI, Web3, Spatial Computing and the Metaverse, Claire has continued to focus on audience engagement by advising creators and businesses about the evolution, intersection and impact of new technologies as they evolve the way we live our lives.

Ethical uses of technology are a through-line of all of her work.

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June 13, 2023 (A GatherVerse Event)

GatherVerse ETHICAL

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