Bonolo Angie

Head of Research
African Center for Generative AI (ACGAI)


Bonolo is a visionary creative professional and the Head of Research at the African Center for Generative AI (ACGAI) which is a leading institution dedicated to bridging the gap between minds and machines in Africa. ACGAI is at the forefront of research, education, and collaboration in the field of Generative AI, empowering individuals and organizations to harness the full potential of Generative AI. With a strong understanding of the value that art brings to the corporate world, she is dedicated to helping businesses unlock their full potential through innovative and visually compelling solutions.

Drawing upon her artistic skills and knowledge of emerging technologies, Bonolo seamlessly bridges the gap between art and business, transforming brands and enabling them to stand out in competitive markets. Her designs and experiences are not only aesthetically pleasing but also aligned with a company’s vision and mission, effectively communicating their unique value propositions and creating memorable brand experiences.

With a focus on meticulous attention to detail and a profound understanding of consumer behavior, Bonolo has successfully expanded brands into new markets and enhanced their market presence. Recognized as a trusted partner in driving growth and differentiation, she showcases the immense value that art and creativity bring to businesses. Bonolo’s ability to translate complex ideas into visually captivating concepts positions her as a pioneer in leveraging the transformative power of art in a business context. Through her visionary approach and unwavering commitment to excellence, she continues to shape the perception and utilization of creativity in the corporate landscape.

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July 19-20, 2023 (A GatherVerse Event)

GatherVerse FATHOM Summit

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