Marquese Martin-Hayes

The Vissable Group


Marquese Martin-Hayes is a man on a mission to empower others to discover how amazing they already are by removing the barriers that get in the way of their lives.

Some of those barriers are mental, physical, and emotional, or any variable combination. He’s been a student of Human Performance and Happiness for over 35 years.

As part of his journey he’s been an Ultramarathoner, #1 International Best-Selling Author, Assimilation Staff Pastor, Master Communications Instructor, co-owned & operating #1 Juice bar in Chicago, once pursued 800 No’s in a single day and more!

Groomed as a military child on one end and personal development on the other, he’s a well-rounded communicator. As a former ultra-marathoner, he has incorporated the discipline of the body, mind, and spirit in his communication. He knows the human spirit is capable of accomplishing at any age.

His latest endeavors include a sequel to his book Monday Again?!, another book on social exchange, his signature Wellness weight loss seminar ”15lbs in 30days,” twitter tags #DaddyDialogs and #BeYourIcon.

Marquese is the founder of The Vissable Group Inc. a company that helps people be seen and heard beyond their resume and then partner them with companies looking for not only the right person but the right representative.

Discovering Who You Are is the Greatest Gift You’ll Ever Receive!

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July 19-20, 2023 (A GatherVerse Event)

GatherVerse FATHOM Summit

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