Daniel Dyboski-Bryant

Executive Director
Virtual World Society

Bio :

Daniel Dyboski-Bryant specializes in making XR positive and meaningful to communities, educators, learners and families around the globe.

He’s a passionate advocate for diversity and inclusion and his mission lies in harnessing people, communities, technologies and resources to inspire collaboration, common purpose and creative solutions to global and local challenges.

As Executive Director at Virtual World Society he leads the mission for a global XR for Good community and ecosystem.

He’s working hard to democratize the next paradigm of impact, community development, learning and education.

As Founder Director of Educators in VR he empowers a global community of educators, trainers and learners who meet, share and collaborate in and with VR to integrate XR immersive technology into education, training, business, and beyond.

February 21st-23rd, 2023 (A GatherVerse Event)

GatherVerse Summit 2023

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