Lorelle VanFossen is the Co-Founder and Director of Educators in VR and dedicated to integrating XR immersive technology into education, training, business, and beyond.
She and her team have produced over 4,000 public and private VR workshops, classes, conferences, and events for over 60,000 participants.
She is a long-time educator, trainer, and keynote specializing in virtual world building, digital storytelling and web publishing, helping people share their story with the world through technology.
Panel Title:
Designing for Learning in Immersive Education
Panel Description :
The panel has invited scholars and professionals to reflect on designing and being a designer of immersive education.
The panellists are chapter authors in a newly edited book collection on Immersive Education: Designing for Learning.
We aim to inspire and provoke discussion around immersive education challenges and possibilities, including accessibility, safety, sustainability, community, and shifting learning into the global classroom.