Tina Bonner

Founder & CEO
Black In Meta

Bio :

Tina Bonner is an award winning entrepreneur, tech founder, educator, and international speaker.

She is a visionary & trailblazer specializing in building brands that sit at the intersection of tech and culture.

Tina is known for her entrepreneurial experience and acute industry knowledge – within the technology and innovation sectors – that has made her a sought after advisor and consultant, for over a decade.

She is the founder of XR education platform @BlackInMeta which is on a mission to close the digital divide by introducing 1 Million people of color to the metaverse by 2030.

To connect with Tina you can find her @TinaBonnerLive on Instagram/Tik Tok, or via email [email protected].

February 21st-23rd, 2023 (A GatherVerse Event)

GatherVerse Summit 2023

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