Become a Sponsor – Legal & Governance Summit

Become a SponsorLegal & Governance SummitA GatherVerse Event

May our gather be well

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Legal & Governance Summit
October 18th, 2022
A GatherVerse Event

Join us as we gather, discuss and discover the Legal & Governance ecosystem and what role the Metaverse holds within it.

Our Main Focus Points

  1. Privacy & Safety Regulation
  2. Harassment
  3. Data
  4. Commerce

Areas we seek to cover and more

  1. 1. How do Governments Regulate the Metaverse?
  2. Data
  3. Taxes
  4. Privacy and cybersecurity
  5. User Interactions
  6. Commerce
  7. Universal Laws in the Metaverse?
  8. Regulation of virtual assets
  9. What is the nature of Fiat Currency and Crypto Assets in Virtual Worlds.
  10. In what ways will Virtual Worlds form their own Governments?
  11. Antitrust
  12. Gambling and lottery laws
  13. Intellectual Property
  14. Avatar Lawyers
  15. Conduct And Behavior
  16. Regulation of conduct in the metaverse
  17. Metaverse Forensics
  18. Boundless Marketplaces

Future Events