Adrian Rashad Driscoll
Head of Immersive
From the small city of Barstow CA, (yeah, the pitstop on the way to Vegas) Adrian Rashad Driscoll followed his dream of becoming a professional actor and moved to Los Angeles.
After 14 years of great weather and bad traffic, he now makes his living as a filmmaker and Immersive Media consultant. Focused on inclusion and social impact, Adrian Rashad Driscoll has significantly impacted the immersive media landscape.
Recently he partnered with music legend Gimel ‘Young Guru’ Keaton to create the immersive experience company, Collimation.
With a dedication to storytelling and quality, their company has created many phenomenal visual immersive experiences.
Talk Title :
Building Community through immersive music experiences
Talk Description :
For the last number of years the political climate has been fueled by separatist agendas.
Everyone is sure that they are right and instead of communicating they take an extremist approach. Through immersive media we have a unique opportunity to address these topics in a positive, safe way.
Although immersive media provides this platform, we must address it in an inclusive manner.
The way to drive these talks is partially through mutually beneficial experiences.
Music is a great connector let’s use it to promote powerful dialogue.