Charlene Nichols
The Omniverse City
Bio :
Welcome to 2022 and welcome to the future. We have all been through a radical transformation as a society over the last 2 years. Not one person on this earth has been spared by the changes we have been forced to make in life.
Future generations will look back to this moment in time as the great pivot. We have recently witnessed not only one pivot but are currently witnessing another. Pivot One- The digital pivot.
As a business and as a human, we have all had to adapt our way of life to incorporate more digital encounters. This could be something as simple as booking a flight, ordering food, or sending flowers to someone you love.
Through the digital enablement of society, we are able to do things now that we were never able to do before. We can run our businesses and our entire lives remotely if we choose to do so.
If you have not yet addressed the digital pivot in your business, please reach out to us immediately. This is no longer an option and we have many tools that are designed to mold into your vision for the next level of your business.
Pivot Two- The virtual pivot. If you have heard terms like metaverse, AI, cryptocurrency, NFT, VR, etc then you have caught the gist of the virtual pivot.
There are very few who are true masters at the virtual development which is underway. Even the giants among us are struggling with adoption and creation within this new frontier.
The virtual transformation of our society will happen much more quickly than the digital transformation.
This is because our youngest generations are not reluctant to new experiences and are craving something new by the second.
If you are ready to be among the 1% of business owners who have decided to create the future, reach out to us today. We are already building a future and we are carving out a place for all businesses, organizations, and humans.
In my life, I would have never imagined I could create such fulfillment for myself and others. I have always been passionate about everything I do but the future excites me in a new way.
To be able to dream big and create tangible things from my imagination and creativity is almost beyond comprehension. I do not fear the future, I am inspired by the future.
I encourage you to reimagine your future and if you figure out where you want to go, please come and build it with us!
January 10th-11th, 2023