Cynthia Mutheu
social worker
Cynthia Mutheu a 23 year old from Machakos county.
I am a children,youth and men’s mental health champion.I have a background In social work and currently an intern at Inua Dada foundation.
With an intrest in mental health counseling, SDGs ,communication and advocacy planning,advocacy campaign management.
I am skilled in story telling ,moderating and hosting, social media;social impact creation,curating children and youth events,advocacy modeling, teen mentorship and advocacy poetry.
I am guided by we are all human doing human stuff.I believe in kindness, patience ,self control and honesty.
I am an aesthete; I love pets poetry and art.I like reading books and watching theatre plays as a form of rest. ACTIVITIES As a mental health advocate and a champion for sdgs I begun the #may40rty project that currently has two programs running online and offline. (WEKEZA & TOTOSERIES). May40rty.
In every 40 seconds someone dies by suicide and May being Mental health awareness month I picked 40 as a project to have activities in fours in my projects.
The conversation aims to share the speakers journey because there is importance in sharing our human stories.
I also aim to Highlight the work each speaker will does We are giving people their flowers while they are still alive.
Through May40rty I am able to create mental health spaces where people feel safe and brave to talk about mental health. Where children feel seen and heard and most importantly we all remember we are human.
TOTO SERIES Children are often forgotten or rarely get heard /seen and represented tukibonga kuhusu Mental health. Sisi wenyewe tuko season ya Ku learn,unlearn and relearn. Lakini kama trauma inaeza kuwa transfered mbona tusiheal kama community.
Stigma na discrimination ya Hii conversation ndio huleta barrier. Tukikuja pamoja tucreate awareness on prevention inasaidia sana.
Somesha mtoi kuhusu emotions,skiza mtoi,ambia mtoi pole,ambia mtoto uko proud of them.
Pia child therapy sio kitu mbaya unaeza msupport. Allow mtoto akuwe mtoto. Through totoseries I use a fusion of Kiswahili and English to educate community on importance of having mental health related conversations from a young age.
I educate children on self care practice,self awareness,talent and hobbies that are helpful in creating a comfortable space for children.
MY WHY I am doing totoseries to start mental health conversations with children.
Passing down what I have learned to children that would like to be advocates because someone did the same for me.
Wekeza will ensure that mental health communities are create and are sustained.
May 23-24, 2023 (A GatherVerse Event)