Salman Halawi

Founder & CEO


Salman Halawi is an Entrepreneur, Futurist and Keynote Speaker who has worked in multiple industries including Tourism, Architecture, Marketing, Metaverse and Web3. Helping scale and grow several successful companies and advising young entrepreneurs on how to make an impact in an ever-changing world. He is currently the Founder and CEO of Metadesignerz a company that serves as a bridge between brands looking to enter the web3 space and trusted global service providers. That, as well as being the Co-Founder and CPO at LetsOrder a software company under development aimed at enabling cutting edge solutions for the FnB sector all over the world.

Being a Solution-Driven individual with a People-Centric outlook, he is always looking for ways to create value for communities and everyone around him.

Speakers Coming From

May 23-24, 2023 (A GatherVerse Event)

GatherVerse WellVerse Summit

Future Events

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