Reggie Walker

Light Grove Llc


Grew up a military brat. Had the blessing of living in situations where I was a minority, part of the majority population, situations I had money, and situations where we were so poor we had to get food from the church.

All of these different circumstances aided in creating a very unique perspective in taking on the world.

From the age of 4 to 12 I experienced getting molested by a family friend. Growing up, as well as my experiences In the sports realm, I experienced physical, mental, and emotional abuse as well. These unfortunate events had a profound impact on my mental well-being. To combat the effects of my trauma I funneled all my feelings and emotions into sports.

Sports became a saving grace in dealing with a mind filled with toxicity from the trauma I experienced. Sports became an environment in which I excelled l, leading me to be a top high school football player, a college football starter, and eventual NFL athlete and team captain of 7 years.

In retirement, my journey of healing has led me to two stays at a treatment facility where led me to create the “Game Within The Game”, a college-accredited course built to help athletes find the answers to how to find themselves, their purpose, and a plan during and after their careers.

Using all the knowledge from my experiences, strategies that have helped me as well as others succeed in high-stress, high-stakes environments, as well as knowledge from therapy, I put the ”Game Within The Game” together as an answer to questions I have known all athletes to have in dealing with life and leading a good, successful, productive life during and after their athletic careers.

I’ve also partnered with David Carter to create Top Athlete Life, a course designed to help anyone become the top athlete in their own life. A course built with the skills to build the understanding of the mental strength and dexterity needed to be successful and whatever avenue you chose for yourself.

I have also become a mental, physical, and sexual abuse survivor advocate, Tedx speaker, public speaker, consultant, connector, and problem solver for individuals and businesses.

With my unique perspective from my varied experiences I have found myself to be of value in many different environments as a problem solver and leader.

My goal is to help those who don’t have guidance learn the essentials to guiding themselves towards their dreams and goals, find peace and confidence within themselves, learn the techniques to being a master strategist in their own lives in dealing with issues or problems, have the knowledge and system of effectively solving problems in their own lives, and be equipped with the knowledge to plan with an emphasis on fluidity.

I want others to learn all these skills in more so they can win the game against themselves. Your only competitor.

Speaker Card

July 26, 2023 – A Sports Summit (A GatherVerse Event)

Athletics In The Metaverse

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