Legal & Governance Summit – Schedule

2nd November 2022

8:00 AM PDT

Brittan Heller
Brittan Heller
Democracy and Technology Fellow | The Atlantic Council

8:30 AM PDT – Live Metaverse Roundtable

Christopher Lafayette
Christopher Lafayette
Founder | GatherVerse
Laura Brown
Laura Brown
Director of Training & Education, Public Safety | Oracle
Stacey Ann Berry
Stacey Ann Berry
President and Founder | BSTELLAR® GROUP INC.
Juan Sebastián Gaviria Garlatti
Juan Sebastián Gaviria Garlatti
Fellow – Semillero Fusiones y Adquisicione | Universidad de los Andes
Walter McMath
Walter McMath
Owner, Lead Counsel | Law Offices of Walter J. McMath
Jared Arms
Jared Arms
Founder and CEO |

9:30 AM PDT

James Murphy
James Murphy
Attorney/Strategic Advisor | MetaLawMan, LLC

10:00 AM PDT

Andrea Carmargo
Andrea Carmargo
Founder of NFT Bonobo | Bonobo

10:20 AM PDT

Vinita Chatterjee
Vinita Chatterjee
Disney Star Lead Actress & Metaverse Evangelist | Vivacious Mediaworks
8:00 AM PDT Brittan Heller – Existing Law and Extended Realities
8:30 AM PDT Live Metaverse Roundtable
Speakers: Stacey Ann Berry | Laura Brown | Juan Sebastián Gaviria Garlatti |
Walter McMath | Jared Arms
Moderator: Christopher Lafayette
9:30 AM PDT James Murphy – The Surprising Rules Governing the Metaverse
10:00 AM PDT Andrea Carmargo – How business culture shifts society’s paradigms
10:20 AM PDT Vinita Chatterjee – The Metaverse Laws for Good Governance
10:30 AM PDT Conclusion

November 2nd, 2022

GatherVerse Legal & Governance Summit

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